Virtual Oncology and Palliative Care Teaching

Welcome to the Oncology and Palliative Care Virtual Teaching Resources Page

   Oncology and Palliative Care Teaching Resources for:

Undergraduate Students/General Medics

(helpful for a revision pre-Oncology Reg interviews)

20-30 minute Videos on the Big 4 Cancers, Oncological emergencies, Chemotherapy preparation, Radiotherapy & E learning including a Mock MDT and a patient’s journey.

Also link in with a series of videos on basic clinical skills and the palliative care padlet page.

FY/IM trainees and PAs

(bite sized resources for on-the-job learning) 

Mini Chalk Talk for bite sized learning on Oncology and Palliative Care topics. Includes links to a facebook group with videos and a series of accompanying precise handouts to help you navigate the Oncology wards.

Access to a password protected padlet page that serves as a ‘starters guide’ to Oncology in LTHT – from the ward arrangements, learning opportunities, clinic timetable to socials and fun stuff!

Junior SpRs

Access to the padlet with curated papers by Consultants to help with subsite rotation and FRCR Part 1 Clin Onc learning notes by Leeds Trainees.


This page has been developed by Dr. Shefali Parikh, Clinical Oncology Registrar and Clinical Leadership Fellow in Medical Education and Digitalisation. Many educators from Medical Education Leeds and Leeds Cancer Centre have worked collaboratively as a team to create this open-source platform.