In Station 5 you may be asked to assess a patient with a rash, headaches, seizures etc.
History (3 minutes):
- Timing questions (since when, sudden/gradual, intermittent/constant, progression, previous episodes)
- Rash
- Headaches
- Seizures
- Weakness, numbness, unsteadiness, tremor, hearing, vision, speech, swallow
- BP, kidney problems eg. abdo pain, blood in urine
- How old were you when you left school, how did you do in exams, did you go on to university
- CVS and Resp systems review questions
- Fx of similar problems
- Dx
- Sx
Examine (3 minutes):
- Hands: periungal fibromata
- Arms: AV fistula, BP
- Neck: scars from dialysis
- Face: papular salmon-coloured eruption in butterfly pattern over the cheeks/chin/forehead especially in the nasolabial folds (adenoma sebaceum: facial angiofibromas)
- Mouth: intraoral fibromata, hypertrophic gums (phenytoin/ciclosporin use), dentition
- Chest and back: leathery thickened skin-coloured patches/plaques on the lower back (Shagreen’s patches), hypopigmented macules in oval/ashleaf configuration on trunk and buttocks (ask to look with Woods lamp as the depigmented macule will fluoresce), café au lait macules
- CVS (CCF from cardiac rhabdomyomata), Resp (pneumothorax, cor pulmonale, cystic lung disease), Abdo (polycystic kidneys angiomyolipomas, peritoneal dialysis, transplant kidney, nephrectomy)
- Eyes – fundoscopy for retinal hamartomata which are yellow/grey/white (phakomata)
- Quick Neuro assessment
ICE+Explanation (2 minutes)
Tuberous Sclerosis complex is inherited in an AD fashion but there are many sporadic cases (only a minority of patients have a known family history of TSC). It is due to defect in chromosome 9 TSC1 gene (hamartin) and chromosome 16 TSC2 (tuberin)
The TSC2 gene lies next to the ADPKD 1 gene on chromosome 16 hence the development of renal cystic disease
It is a phakomatosis/neurocutaneous syndrome resulting in hamartomas of the skin, brain, kidneys, retina, heart, lungs, liver and bone.
Most patients have epilepsy. 50% have cognitive deficits and learning disabilities.
Occurs in 1 in 5-10000
Diagnosis is based on genetic testing and clinical criteria.
Differential Diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 1, von hippel landau disease
ECG, Echo
BP, Urine dipstick, renal USS
Oxygen sats, CXR, spirometry, CT thorax
MRI or CT brain: calcified hamartomata/tubers
Genetic testing
Multidisciplinary: neurologist, epilepsy specialist nurse, GP, geneticist, nephrologist
Advice about epilepsy and safety eg. driving
Medical: treat epilepsy, renal disease
Surgical: renal transplant, laser surgery of adenoma sebaceum for cosmesis but they recur.
Written by Dr Sarah Kennedy
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