Junior Doctors Body
The Junior Doctor Body is a group of trainee doctors that aims to improve relationships with trainee doctors and senior managers and encourage trainee doctors to participate in leadership, management and quality improvement opportunities. Examples of our activities include:
- Providing trainee representation on committees and groups within the hospital e,g, learning lessons group, clinical guidelines group, mortality improvement group
- Signposting quality improvement training opportunities including local training days, the QI forum, online training and regional QI training days
- Encouraging trainees to develop their own quality improvement projects.
- Setting up a programme for shadowing senior managers
- Setting up a paired learning scheme for those with an interest in management
- Setting up trainees’ fora to promote opportunities within clinical service units (CSUs) and address issues that affect trainees
Leeds Childrens Hospital Junior Doctors Forum
Leeds Children’s Hospital Junior Doctors’ Forum (JDF) is a body consisting of enthusiastic junior doctors in Leeds Children’s Hospital (LCH). It was founded in February 2016 as an initiative supported by the Senior Management Team (SMT) to represent junior doctors in LCH and work on areas of improving training and working environment for junior doctors in the hospital. We also aim to facilitate timely and transparent communication between all junior doctors and SMT and therefore aim to improve quality of care and patient safety across the hospital.
JDF has set following five objectives in its Terms of Reference as key activities we aim to achieve.
- Develop new and utilise existing training and educational opportunities for all junior doctors in LCH.
- Promoting LCH, the largest children’s hospital in the region, as a desirable centre for trainees, preparing them for their professional exams and future careers.
- Provide feedback and support to SMT in optimising junior doctors’ working environment, promoting safe service provision whilst maintaining desirable levels of training opportunities.
- Provide peer support and sense of community across all specialties in LCH.
- Engage and provide support in any areas of concern raised by junior doctors in LCH.