Traditionally seen as the dependable and vital backbone of service provision within the NHS, Specialty & Associated Specialist (SAS) Staff Grade Doctors and Dentists are a diverse group and between them have a rich source of knowledge and experience to offer. Consisting of Staff Grade Doctors, Associate Specialists and Specialty Doctors, in Medical Education Leeds, we recognise that each has their own personal and professional development needs extending beyond their delivery of clinical service.
In December 2015 we welcomed Dr Heather Cooper-Waite in her new role as the SAS Tutor for Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Heather became a SAS doctor in 2002 to enable her to better balance her work commitments and needs of her family and in 2008 became a Speciality Doctor in the Childrens Haematology & Oncology Day Unit at Leeds General Infirmary.
Building on her experience to date, Heather is passionate about supporting SAS doctors as individuals and as a whole, to facilitate professional development and ultimately provide better patient care. To help with this, Medical Education Leeds has recently set up a dedicated SAS support team to work collaboratively with the Associate Medical Director for Education and the Director of Postgraduate Dental and Medical Education ensuring the training needs and aspirations of SAS doctors are fulfilled.
If you would like to find out more about the programme of support we can offer SAS doctors, please contact Heather Cooper-Waite