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Alice White

Course Information:

Following the success of last years course, we are running this refresher and sign off course for EM HST’s and EM Consultants within the region.

The course will focus on core emergency ultrasound skills covering the level 1 Ultrasound competencies. The candidates will get a lot of hands-on practical sessions before their triggered assessments and sign-off.

For HST’s

To be signed off as Level 1 competent (to be independent practitioner with ultrasound level 1 skills in EM) you would have to show evidence of both theoretical and practical training as follows:

  1. Log-book of scans carried out during the training period (electronic copies with anonymised images or paper copies)(Practical)
  2. Follow up/reflective notes on any 10 cases (anonymised) preferably with scanned images or pictorial description of scans (practical)
  3. Evidence of completion of Level 1 Ultrasound training (certificate of completion)(theoretical)
  4. Evidence of completion of CEM e-learning modules (6)(theoretical)

For those HST trainees who are still in their early years please aim to collect these prior to you attending the sign off day.

For Consultants

  1. Evidence of completion of Level 1 Ultrasound training or equivalent.
  2. Any other evidence if available (not compulsory)
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